Who gives a f*&k about an Oxford Comma? (2010-2013)
Comma was a design-led gift shop (open between October 2010 and July 2013) stocking homewares, cards, books, prints, stationery, vintage, and more.
Why the name Comma? As Vampire Weekend suggested, does anyone actually care for this outdated and rather pedantic grammar rule? Ummm … yes, actually. Sally used to work at Oxford University Press and the importance of the comma was hammered home when it was pointed out in her interview that her CV was perfect apart from missing the all-important punctuation mark!
Comma closed when Sally and David decided they needed to move back up north to Yorkshire to be closer to family. Sad times, (but happy times as well living in God’s own county).
Do you have fond memories of visiting the shop? Why not mooch around the Comma gallery below?